Univ Msila (and, meeting, university)
Rapport analyse SEO #239507
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Ce rapport d'analyse SEO #239507 porte sur le site univ-msila.dz.
And, meeting, university sont les principaux mots clés utilisés sur ce site.
Avec une note totale de 52, Univ Msila pourrait être mieux optimisé pour le référencement.
Informations sur le rapport
URL traitée : https://www.univ-msila.dz/
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Normes W3C
✖ Nombre de caractères insatisfaisant (20 caractères)
University of M'sila
✖ Nombre de caractères trop élevé (1321 caractères)
University of M’sila, created in 1985, is a multidisciplinary public institution. It now has more than 29629 students, 1402 teachers and 1265 technical and administrative staff, spread over seven faculties: Technology Sciences Mathematics and Computer Science Law and Political Sciences Economic Sciences Letters and Languages Humanities and Social Sciences and two National Institutes: Urban Technology Management Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities. The University of M'Sila works and promotes scientific research in harmony with the challenges of globalization. It currently has 27 research laboratories, approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research covering several areas. This desire to open up to the world has resulted today in the signing of several research conventions. cooperation with academic institutions in several countries (France, Romania, Turkey, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, etc ...). These agreements are designed to facilitate scientific exchange, the mobility of research professors, students and academic staff. In this perspective, the university tends to build bridges of exchange of experiences and skills and also improve teaching methods, boost scientific research and build a strong and durable cooperation network.
✔ Nombre de caractères satisfaisant (53 caractères)
University of M'sila Just another WordPress site
Page introuvable
Mots clés
- and
- meeting
- university
- scientific
- research
- faculty
- coordination
- education
- sila
- held
- and X34
- meeting X12
- university X11
- scientific X10
- research X9
- faculty X7
- coordination X6
- education X6
- sila X6
- held X6
- ccc meeting X6
- coordination council X6
- and coordination X6
- concertation and X6
- council meeting X6
- sub directorate X5
- higher education X5
- scientific research X4
- education and X3
- vice rectorate X3
- coordination council meeting X6
- concertation and coordination X6
- and coordination council X6
- higher education and X2
- education and scientific X2
- and scientific research X2
- socio economic environment X2
- its socio economic X2
- affairs and wakfs X2
- religious affairs and X2
- and coordination council meeting X6
- concertation and coordination council X6
- higher education and scientific X2
- education and scientific research X2
- its socio economic environment X2
- religious affairs and wakfs X2
Mots clés utilisés par les autres
Ci-dessous figure une liste de mots clefs utilisés par d'autres sites Web ayant les mêmes sujets que Univ Msila. Vous pouvez vous en inspirer pour compléter vos textes et votre sémantique.
Titre de la page
- university
- sila
Mots clés non-utilisés :
- and
- meeting
- scientific
- research
- faculty
- coordination
- education
- held
- university
- sila
Mots clés non-utilisés :
- and
- meeting
- scientific
- research
- faculty
- coordination
- education
- held
- and
- university
- scientific
- research
- education
- sila
Mots clés non-utilisés :
- meeting
- faculty
- coordination
- held
- and
- meeting
- university
- research
- coordination
- sila
Mots clés non-utilisés :
- scientific
- faculty
- education
- held
Document HTML
Sites Web dans la même thématique que Univ Msila
Liste des sites Internet correspondant à votre sémantique ou vos principaux mots clés (and, meeting, university, scientific, research, faculty, coordination, education, sila, held).
- en.univ-toulouse.fr
- www.rtnewstoday.com
- www.academia.edu
- uwaterloo.ca
- www.uno.edu
- www.physics.mcgill.ca
- www.reseaucampus.com
- prairie-institute.fr
- econ.sciences-po.fr
- www.iast.fr
- lipade.mi.parisdescartes.fr
- www.stedwards.fr
- erc.europa.eu
- www.philippe-fournier-viger.com
- www.esf.org
- www.southampton.ac.uk
- iatrica.hypotheses.org
- www.Cranfield.ac.uk
- www.between-us.net
- www.eda.europa.eu